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Planning for Your Child's College Visits

By Independent Bank April 1 2016 Savings Tips

How to stretch your dollars as you conquer campuses

College Visits

Sure, you want your child to go to the college of his or her dreams, but do you have several thousand dollars to visit every campus on your child’s potentials list before he or she makes a choice? Use these strategies to get the most bang for your buck when it comes time for your child to apply and visit schools:

Visit on vacation. Shave costs by combining a school visit with another planned trip, such as your family vacation. You’ll save on gas costs if you’re driving, and you’ll already be springing for a hotel. Another option is to let your child visit alone on a college tour that combines trips to several schools at once with a company like goCampusing.com.

Take a virtual tour. YouVisit.com, CampusTours.com, and eCampusTours.com all offer virtual campus tours. Among the three sites, there are a few thousand college tours offered. And CollegeWeekLive.com has virtual college fairs, so students can connect with admissions representatives and make an impression without you having to shell out major bucks.

Check into discounts. The admissions office of the university You’re planning to visit may be able to point you in the direction of travel, lodging, and food discounts. Some even offer cafeteria meals and occasional reimbursements for portions of travel.

Visit after acceptance. Save the college tours only for the schools into which your child gets accepted. That way you won’t be wasting your limited travel dollars on schools that aren’t relevant.

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